It’s essential to put a solid foundation in place before you start building. When hiking or backpacking, your feet are your foundation, and that’s why I’ll spend more on the best hiking socks than I will on most of my other camping gear. If you don’t take care of your feet, it simply doesn’t matter …
Having a side hustle focused on outdoor gear reviews also gives me extra motivation to take a closer look at the gear people bring on trips. My goal for writing this Ariat outdoor apparel review is to highlight several pieces of Ariat gear. As a guide, I get to meet people from all over the …
Do you know how to create custom sandals? In this article, I’ll walk you through the process of creating your very own unique pair of Custom Chacos!
I’ve recently been shopping for new hiking shoes. I’ve talked to a few people about what I’m specifically looking for and I was asked, “Why do you want ‘shoes’ instead of ‘boots’?” Indeed, learning how to choose hiking shoes has been a long process for me. I explained the type of hiking I plan to …
This review includes technical specs and features of five La Sportiva Hiking Shoes, including the TX4 Mid GTX and the award-winning Women’s Bushido!