TrailFork Product Review: Healthy Camp Foods

TrailFork Product Review Featured Image

TrailFork provides customized backpacking meals in lightweight, compostable packaging that’s super easy to bring along on your next trip. They sent me two samples of their backpacking meals. The first was a dinner option: Apricot-Almond Couscous. The second was enjoyed for breakfast: Peanut Butter Banana Oats. Here is my TrailFork Product Review!

TrailFork caters to vegan, vegetarian, omni, paleo, gluten-free, and many other dietary preferences or restrictions so that you don’t have to give up your healthy routine when you get out on the trail.

TrailFork Apricot-Almond Couscous

TrailFork Product Review - apricot almond couscous

The ingredients listed in TrailFork’s Apricot-Almond Couscous are couscous (shocker!), dried apricots, textured vegetable protein “chicken,” almonds, and spice. One bag equals a single serving and contains a total of 520 calories.

Preparation of this backpacking meal required boiling 10 ounces of water and adding the mixture after achieving a boil. I think I actually added closer to 12 ounces of water, but the couscous absorbed it well and our final meal, which included the addition of a packet of madras lentils, was a nice and hearty soup.

TrailFork Peanut Butter Banana Oats

TrailFork Product Review - Peanut Butter Banana Oats

The ingredients listed in TrailFork’s Peanut Butter Banana Oats are oats (surprise, surprise!), whole milk, powdered peanut butter (roasted peanuts, sugar, salt), chia seeds, bananas, hemp seeds, and less than 2% of brown sugar and spice. One bag is equivalent to a single serving and offers a total of 620 calories.

As with the couscous, preparation is simple: boil 5 ounces of water and add TrailFork mix. Stir and your oats are ready almost instantly. If you’re like me, though, and you like your oats a little on the thicker side, let them sit for 2-3 minutes, stir again and enjoy! For an added flavor boost, we supplemented these oats with a few additional dried banana slices and some fresh, diced mango.

Why I’m a TrailFork Product Fan!

Ease and Convenience

Packing TrailFork’s meals out to our lake home for the evening was super easy. The packets themselves are light and fit well into a bear canister or food bag.

They were also extremely easy to prepare. It doesn’t get much simpler than boiling water, adding a pre-made mix, stirring, and enjoying. And when you’ve spent a full day on your feet, you want food prep to be simple and you want that food to be delicious.

Now, I’ll be honest, I’m actually not a huge fan of oatmeal. Sure, it’s easy to prepare and relatively lightweight to carry, but it always seems to come up short in the flavor department (at least when I put my own mixture together).

I’m very pleased to say that this was NOT the case with TrailFork’s Peanut Butter Banana Oats. They were full of flavor and just the right amount of brown sugar, which is really the key ingredient.

The only (very minor) knock on TrailFork’s products could be that they ask you to measure out a specific amount of water in preparation. I don’t know how many of you backpack with measuring cups (who knows, maybe I’m missing the boat on this one), but it can be hard to take exact measurements of water when you’re camp-cooking. That said, I’ve never really been averse to eyeballing!

Another note is that true to their serving recommendations on the packaging, these are certainly designed for a single person and a single meal.

We supplemented, as you saw above because we actually shared these meals. If you plan on using these for your next backpacking trip, I definitely recommend budgeting for one serving per person, per meal.

It’s Not Just About The Food

Perhaps one of my favorite things about TrailFork’s products is their sustainable, compostable packaging. Unlike many other providers of backpacking meals out there, the TrailFork team has taken the time and effort to design packaging that is truly 100% compostable. That means a lot to those of us who care about the environment and want to reduce waste, reliance on single-use plastics, and excessive packaging.

Another thing that I really appreciate about TrailFork is that they have a variety of recipes and meals to choose from. Whatever your dietary preferences, they have a product you can enjoy. In addition to the two meals I highlighted above, they also offer some delicious meals with names like Unwrapped Burrito, Coconut Chana Masala, and Cinnamon Roll Oats.

For someone who has relied on other, less healthy backpacking meals for years, I found TrailFork to be an incredible change of pace. You mean to tell me that I can eat well and eat healthy while I’m miles away from a “traditional” kitchen? Yes, I’ll certainly take that option when I can. So, if you’re looking for an alternative to whatever backpacking meal brand you’ve been using, I highly recommend giving TrailFork a try!

Try Out TrailFork Meals!

Do you have experience with TrailFork meals? If so, I’d love to know what you think about them and what your favorite meal is thus far! Also, if you decide to purchase any TrailFork meals after reading this review, I’d love to know how you like them after you’ve had a chance to enjoy them!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this review of the TrailFork and I’d love to hear your feedback in the comments section below. I’ll be quick to reply to any questions, comments, or concerns you feel like sharing!

About The Backpack Guide

tips for hiking the john muir trail - hikers on trail

As The Backpack Guide, I’m always looking for new trails and wildernesses to explore and I’m also interested in the experiences of others in the wild. If there is one thing I am sure of it’s that we can all spend more time enjoying and connecting with Nature.

Feel free to reach out to me directly (email below), or share your latest adventure or backpack by tagging @thebackpackguide on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter!

Eat Well, My Friends!

The Backpack Guide


  1. Kevin

    Hi, just wanted to say thanks for you review of the Trailfork meals. Being fairly new to backpacking or senderismo as it’s called here in the Canaries I am looking to get as much information as possible. So far most of our treks have been completed within a day but we are shortly planning a much longer excursion. I am vegan and a bit of food snob so have been looking for a simple vegan option that I can take with me. Based on your review I’ll be giving the Trailfork vegan options a go. When I do I will let you know how I get on. Thanks again Kevin

    1. Post
      Tucker Ballister

      I love it! They are a relatively small company, and Lillian, the owner, is awesome. I’ll be excited to hear how you like their meals! 

  2. julienne murekatete

    Thank you for sharing with us this great review on TailFork Products.It is my first time to hear about TrailFork but I am interested in their meal as it seems to be natural and healthy.

    It would be better if I try to use their meal when my family and I are  camping and that would be great .

    Can this meal be ordered online?

    1. Post
  3. mathieu

    Hi Trevor,

    Little question about TrailMix,

    Did they do some bag without to have to cook them?

    I like camping and I’m not a fan of bringing a lot of material with me, depending what season of course. I like the fact that the bags are compostable, it is a very good Idea, because one thing I HATE TO SEE, it’s garbage in the forest. 

    At least with TrailMix bags, if someone leave it there, I will feel less frustrated. 

    I will give it a try to one of those for sure to see how good they are, because if we just need to add 5ml of water, it is nothing and easy. 

    Thanks for your review,

    Enjoy your camping,


  4. Kevin

    Hey Tucker it looks like you have everything you need as far as your meals provided by Trailfork when you are backpacking and I really like the compostable packaging.

    Your website reminds me of when I was in the marines when we were given mre’s (meals ready to eat) which are not very pleasant at all to say the least. And I really like the ease of even choosing different menus too that is awesome.

    But yes the next time I head for the high country I will give TrailFork a shot and just experience hiking once again it has been so long and also to be able to bring along a healthy meal to enjoy while I’m on my hiking journey.

  5. DorcasW

    Hi; The Backpack Guide is really an experience for those who are always on the move. Using the Trailfork products is a method to consider when going on a journey, especially if you are heading to rural areas, where you might not have access to fast food. 

    The good thing about the Trailfork product is that they are prepared with healthy nutrition in mind. I notice that you mentioned the presence of brown sugar in the package. Which is good for your energy level for the day.


  6. Rob S.

    I never knew there products so specific as far as food goes when backpacking.

    These combinations are new to me for sure. But the apricot almond sure sounds healthy for you and when you’re hiking you need your energy.520 calories isn’t bad either!

    Peanut butter banana oats. Now there’s another combination I never thought of.It definitely has a lot of healthy ingredients in it.I’ll admit that like you, I don’t care for oatmeal too much although I will eat oatmeal cookies!TrailFork certainly has the right packaged foods for a long hike. How do they all taste?

    1. Post
      Tucker Ballister

      They taste great! And they are expanding their offerings soon. I’m looking forward to trying and reviewing a few of their newer selections next summer. 

  7. Mel

    I think this backpacking food is an amazing idea! I wonder, however, if it could be used in other situations as well. I work long hours, with little time for food, do you think I can stock up on these and eat them on the fly as lunch? 

    Also, do you know if they are available in other countries and if so, how would the shipping work?

    I’ll definitely buy these for my next hiking trip to try them out, thank you so much for sharing this with me, it will literally change my life.

    1. Post
      Tucker Ballister

      I wouldn’t see why they couldn’t be used for your ideal purpose! I wouldn’t hesitate to contact them to inquire about their shipping capabilities. Lillian, the owner, is awesome and I’m sure she’d be excited to know that they have international interest. Let me know what you learn! 

  8. Neil Brown

    I love your post. I have always loved hiking-backpacking. I have not tried Trail Fork, but the next time I can get out and do some backpacking, I’ll be sure to try Trail Fork.

    The peanut butter banana oats sounds like it’s right up my alley, being a big peanut butter lover. I like the fact that Trail Fork has compostable packaging. Trials I have found have been so cluttered with garbage by disrespectful people.

    Keep up the great work and I would like to see more of your writing.

    1. Post
      Tucker Ballister

      Thanks so much! Is there anything specific you’d like to know more about? I’m always open to suggestions about products, hikes, or backpacks to review! 

  9. LearnToEarn Admin

    Couscous is one of my favourite foods, so I was excited to read that one of the food packs was Apricot-Almond Couscous!

    You have so aptly pointed out that it only needs hot water and it cooks the couscous in a few minutes.  A great quick meal to make in a jiffy.


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