If you’re a hiker you want a pack that’s comfortable. Let’s look at three Deuter packs for women that are designed for various types of outdoor adventure!
Month: March 2018
Sometimes you need a pack that holds everything. This Kelty Eagle 128 Backpack review details a mammoth hauler with a tactical military design!
The Pacific Crest Trail extends north from the border of Mexico and the United States to the border of the United States and Canada. The trail covers 2,650 miles in all and sees thousands of hikers along various sections every summer. But how did America’s preeminent hiking highway come to be? Let’s examine the history …
After doing research and spending almost three hours zipping and unzipping packs at REI, I finally chose this pack. Here’s my Kelty Redwing 44 backpack review!
As a mentor of mine used to say, “It’s not a matter of if, it’s when!” With that in mind, I’ve put together this list of five essential outdoor survival tips that I hope you NEVER have to use! When planning any backpacking trip or outdoor adventure, we all picture the things we’ll enjoy along …